Throughout the years, abortion pills have cause women to have a simple abortion just by using the pill. Abortion pills can only be helpful but u may have a chance of dying from it. Abortion pills have made impacts towards a woman's decision about abortion, but to many their life will be short and become dead for just of once or two use of it. Abortion pills have caused deaths and a huge amount of responses because abortion pills can lead to sickness and infections.Many victims of the abortion pills have a bad case of bacterial infections their can harm their body. In a section of the Women's heath in www.msnbc.msn.com , abortion pills caused 1 in 4 deaths of using the pill. It was told that an a abortion pill is about 98% effective and may lead to many aspects of your body changing. Having an abortion can be pretty stressful, and taking an abortion to get rid of the young baby inside of you, can be harmful yet regretful.
Source: http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/news/abortion_pill_causes_deaths_and_adverse_reactions.htm
- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31804820