Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Abortion: Secret Unfolds

Many women around world dealt with the issue abouit having an abortion. Many tell their abortion to the love ones, and some may keep it as a secret for a long time. Once as its a secret, the abortion affect will rise in effect and start leading the ashamed and regretful journey. A lady finally shares her secrets about keeping a abortion that she had a secret and how it affects her now. She had an abortion w/o evening thinking what she couldve had, and now she regrets of not having her precious child in her arms. Regretting your abortion can really affect your life, and your future based on if you want to keep the next unborn alive or not. In my opinion, abortions are abortions, but literally many people dont really understand the feeling and struggle upon an abortion. This women felt so empty about her abortion that it also affected her past job expierences and her lifestyle. In the quote, " I spend a day or so in a state of shock, fear, and panic", she explained how she would have random breakdowns and nervous effects due to her abortion condition. In her pass ten years she's been keeping this secret in, and affect her life. Remember if u have an abortion, which i don't recommend, make sure its a safe one. Abortions causes heartaches and regrets, so remember ladies think about the consequences in the future.
>> Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1057950/Abortion-The-dark-secret-I-carry-heart-day.html <<

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