Friday, April 16, 2010

Abortion Myths

Abortion is a major topic in the United States. Many women have options and decision either to have an abortion because they don’t want a child. In my current research I found myths about having an abortion. In my opinion abortion can be open to any for any women, but I’m totally against it, because I believe in adoption instead because you want to be able to have the child live a better life. Here are the weirdest, craziest myths that have been made about Abortion:

Share your opinion about abortion? Against or your For it!? :

1. Abortion causes breast cancer

2.Even first-trimester fetuses can feel pain

3.Fetuses become conscious at 8 weeks

4.Pro-choice activists want abortion on demand until the moment of birth

5.Pro-choice activists want to increase the number of abortions

6.Legalized abortion has been good for women

7.Women really need abortion for health reasons

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