Monday, April 19, 2010

Barack Obama on Abortion in the US

In my research, i was thinking of an opinion about Abortion based on our President Barack Obama's point of view. According to Barack Obama he supports the pivotal decision of legalizing abortion based on the Roe v Wade. He wants women to have their privacy of having the right to have an abortion. In the article that was interview in January of 2008: Barack Obama: Abortion Should Be Legal throughout All 9 Months of Pregnancy, he would want women to decide either to have a abortion during their 9 months of pregnancy. Many people in the world are appalled about our president’s point of view of abortion that it might affect the respect of him about women’s abortion. In my opinion of abortion, I’m totally against it because I believe you become pregnant for a reason and if the woman doesn’t want a child, then there’s adoption. I respect women and their decisions about abortions but I don't believe in abortion. You can view the following links about Barack Obama’s view about Abortion, and you may leave your comments and your opinions about your point of abortion.

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