Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Girls Force to Abort!

There are many teens that have sex and suddenly become pregnant. Many tend to want a baby and then when they're pregnant, its a huge deal that they don't want to have the responsibility to take care of their unborn. In this generation girls around the world are getting pregnant, and they have the control and decisions on having a abortion, adoption, and/or keep the child. Now and then teen girls are being force to have an abortion, which is uncalled for them because its their decision and they don't need to listen anyone's opinion but their own. On Teen Breaks, it discusses the issue about girls being force to abort when they become pregnant. It demonstrates a top 5, of reasons about why they should have an abortion. The first explained the mom wants her to have an abortion because their child is a minor, & the second explains their parents will kick them out their house unless they have an abortion (which i must say that's so disrespectful of them to do, since they supposedly love and raise their child). The third is that the father will force to have the boyfriend/significant other to jail, the forth explains that the child will never finish school unless they have an abortion, and the fifth one, is the obvious, the boyfriend says that w/o the abortion the baby will ruin his life, and never live his life the way they want. I RECOMMEND BOYS WEAR A CONDOM, & GIRLIES...practice safe sex, & ITS YOUR DECISION.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Abortion Pills take Effect: Mystery and Wonders.

Throughout the years, abortion pills have cause women to have a simple abortion just by using the pill. Abortion pills can only be helpful but u may have a chance of dying from it. Abortion pills have made impacts towards a woman's decision about abortion, but to many their life will be short and become dead for just of once or two use of it. Abortion pills have caused deaths and a huge amount of responses because abortion pills can lead to sickness and infections.Many victims of the abortion pills have a bad case of bacterial infections their can harm their body. In a section of the Women's heath in , abortion pills caused 1 in 4 deaths of using the pill. It was told that an a abortion pill is about 98% effective and may lead to many aspects of your body changing. Having an abortion can be pretty stressful, and taking an abortion to get rid of the young baby inside of you, can be harmful yet regretful.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Coat Hangers Are TERRORS of abortion.

There are ways to have an abortion but the most harmful way to have an abortion is to use a coat hanger to cut your stomach. Coat hangers are only USE for hanging clothing and NOT cutting your stomach for the unborn to come out. Not only you can harm the unborn, you can also definitely harm or even injured yourself to death. Many women attempted to use a coat hanger to cause the abortion and ended being dead and not looking forward to their life being. According to my source, 15 years ago when abortion was illegal, women began to use coat hangers for abortion. A coat hanger is use as a symbol as a quick abortion to avoid to have a doctor to do their abortion. In my opinion having a abortion is terrible, but having an object such as a coat hanger to use as an abortion tool is harmful and can lead you to death. Women tend to use a coat hanger and insert it inside their uterus. Now, come to my attention this is a very harmful way of having an abortion and no medical use provided. Now that abortion is legal in the U.S., there's less women using a coat hanger as an abortion, but there's still many women out in the world using a coat hanger. Coat Hangers are DANGEROUS and HARMFUL objects for abortion. word of advice here....NO ABORTION for you, its not healthy or soothing


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Abortion: Secret Unfolds

Many women around world dealt with the issue abouit having an abortion. Many tell their abortion to the love ones, and some may keep it as a secret for a long time. Once as its a secret, the abortion affect will rise in effect and start leading the ashamed and regretful journey. A lady finally shares her secrets about keeping a abortion that she had a secret and how it affects her now. She had an abortion w/o evening thinking what she couldve had, and now she regrets of not having her precious child in her arms. Regretting your abortion can really affect your life, and your future based on if you want to keep the next unborn alive or not. In my opinion, abortions are abortions, but literally many people dont really understand the feeling and struggle upon an abortion. This women felt so empty about her abortion that it also affected her past job expierences and her lifestyle. In the quote, " I spend a day or so in a state of shock, fear, and panic", she explained how she would have random breakdowns and nervous effects due to her abortion condition. In her pass ten years she's been keeping this secret in, and affect her life. Remember if u have an abortion, which i don't recommend, make sure its a safe one. Abortions causes heartaches and regrets, so remember ladies think about the consequences in the future.
>> Source: <<

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Abortion Regrets.

Going through abortion may be one of the one regretful decisions you made in your life. In a young woman, at first she may feel that having an abortion is horrible thing to do for her baby, but then when they decide to have a abortion they begin regretting. Regretting about having an abortion is totally normal, because girls change their mind, and think about what’s in store for them in the future. In the mind of a teenage girl, their family may be supportive about the pregnancy, some may not be supportive, and that can be the reason for an abortion to occur due to family support. It’s the girls decision of having the abortion or not, but abortion may not be the best policy. Girls must know that there’s adoption in a decision. Girls may not want the baby and the pain to have when taking the baby, but adoption is a better option. Abortion will cause a girls attitude and mentality to feel emptiness.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Abortion & Adoption: Which is the Best Option?

The definition of an abortion is a termination of a pregnancy after an closely followed death of the embryo or fetus. The definition of an adoption is to take into one's family through legal means and raise as one's own child. Abortion and Adoption are one the options of having a pregnancy. They both have similarities and differences between each other. According to American Adoptions, they compare the differences and the similarities between adoption and abortion. The similarities that adoption and abortion have are that you can love independently, pursue your early goals, you will not be forced into having a rapid relationship or marriage, and you will not be a parent at too soon. The differences between adoption and abortion is that having an adoption your pregnancy ends up giving life to your baby, remembering the birth of the baby, holding and naming your baby, and continue to have contact with your child. When having an abortion, you’ll end up having the death of your baby, guilty conscience, emptiness, you will miss the opportunity to see your child to develop, and last but not least, you cannot go back, your abortion is final. Abortion and Adoption may have their differences and similarities, and girls, it’s your decision to have on a baby or not, but remember what is a better decision to do in your pregnancy?.

Source: America Adoptions:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Young Girls Victims of Abortion

During my research i came to find that a very young girl that was a victim of abortion. Many young girls can be victims of abortion by the cause of being raped. Being raped can and will leave a girl scarred for life inside because it wasn’t their idea of being raped by a much older person. In the year of 2003, a 9yr old girl, who was living in Costa Rica had got raped and impregnated by an adult attacker. Her parents struggled against the state. Doctors were forcing her to bear the child, although she hasn’t gone through puberty yet. On August, a Columbian 11 yr old girl had the first legal abortion in her country after being raped by her stepfather. Her stepfather was arrested and the girl is currently in the custody of the island's family department.
According to an article in BCC, the number of abortions under 16 are increasing in the world. The government officials called for a huge value for sex education in school, and it may affect on how young girls are having sex at a early age. Young girls shouldn’t have sex until they’re older, because they will come across of pregnancy and may face abortion, which can harm them mentally. According to the chart, it shows that 9% of young girls under 18 have an abortion. It also demonstrates other ages much older. In my opinion i think if young girls have sex, they should always use a condom every time no matter what, because they may regret having sex, and may face abortion in their life.

Source: IPAS:


Monday, May 10, 2010

Boyfriends: Leave? Stay?

Many teenage boys tend to question the decision of abortions. Boys questioned the thought of keeping the baby so it can keep him and his significant other closer. Other boys tend to end the relationship with their lover because they feel that bringing a baby into the world can ruin their life. In a recent entry on Teen Abortion Issues, a girl shared her story about her boyfriend wanting an abortion, w/o having the thought of keeping the baby.
In the entry: “TEEN ABORTED BUT BOYFRIEND BROKE UP ANYWAY”, an 18yr teenage girl found out that she was pregnant @ 5 months, and her boyfriend didn’t have the thought of keeping the baby, and quickly wanted her to have an abortion. The girl wanted to keep the baby but she went to the decision of her boyfriend of having the abortion instead. Knowing that she wanted the baby, and not the abortion, it was obviously her own choice to choose abortion over raising the baby. REMEMBER GIRLIE'S, PLEASE DON’T LET YOUR BOYFRIEND/FIANCE TELL OR PRESSURE YOU TO HAVE AN ABORTION, ITS YOUR DECISION!.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Abortion Complications+ Teen dies from an abortion pill.

According to, they have a topic about abortion and complications of abortion. Teenage abortion has been linked to a amount of physical and psychological problems, that many teens may want to attempt suicide and their behaviors change. There are types of complications such as physical, psychological, and emotional complications that numerous girls deal with. Physical complications upon abortion are scarring of the uterline lining from the suction, or tubing instruments. Another is infection, failure to recognize an ectopic pregnancy, retained tissue that involves cramping, and heavy bleeding. The types of Psychological and emotional complications may include mood swings, depression, guilt, episodes of breaking down, numbing, and a huge disruption on a future relationship that the teen may later encounter.

Teenager Dies after taking an Abortion Pill:
Holly Patterson, an 18 yr old from San Francisco died September 17 2009, due to taking abortion pills. Holly wasn’t ready to take care of a child, and decided to take an abortion pill where she’ll be guided and treated. She followed the instructions of the abortion pill and when she was experiencing cramps and blood, she was rushed into the hospital to receive pain killers and later return to the hospital and pronounced dead days later.
R.I.P. Holly Patterson, you will be truly missed, and friends && family will be in their prayers.

Different Types of Abortion

There are different types of abortions that woman can choose from. There two types of abortions that can apply for women who choose the decision of having an abortion. One type of abortion is called Medical Abortion. Medical Abortion is where it doesn’t involve surgery, and deals with different medications. The second type of abortion is called Surgical Abortion. Surgical Abortion is where is involve from a health care provider that must perform the abortion physically.

In an article written by Linda Lowen, she describes the many types of abortion types that women can choose to have performed. Medical Abortion is when the woman takes an abortion pill and has to have visitations to the doctor to check up on the procedure. It takes a while for the whole procedure for the whole abortion to happen, and you recover from it. Surgical Abortion is when the woman has a tube that’s inserted through a dilated cervix that goes into the uterus, and the gentle suction removes the fetal tissue and empties the uterus. What abortion type would you want to choose?

Abortion: Negative or Positive or Both Impact

Abortion in America has been a very pivotal issue in women health. Many young women have dealt with the cause of abortion and felt that it might have been a good thing or a bad thing. Abortion is a decision upon women who felt that they’re not ready to take care of a child, can’t afford money to raise a child, or they just don’t want to settle and take their responsibility as a parent to do. In my opinion I think the most amounts of abortions would be involved around the young teens. I believe young teens should have save sex or abstinence because most likely they would not be ready for a child of their own at a young age. If teens are ready to take care of a child then I think it’s a better if they should graduate and encounter their career. Some women around the world may come across an option of abortion to be a positive decision because they would not have to deal with a child and the thought of taking full responsibility of a child. If having an abortion, may be the best option for the women, then later on they would want to wonder how affectionate and loving of having a child and then regret of the abortion. In a relationship w/o commitment, the male of the relationship wouldn’t want a child at a young age because they want to live their life on their own, and don’t want to take the responsibility of being a parent. Young teens who have sex and have a child, should give it up for adoption if they cant takeoff it, because every child should live and experience.

Boyfriends choice: abortion or no abortion?

There are many girls that dealt with having sex for the first time and continueing to be sexually active. Being sexually active can be just an intimate way to feel closer w/ their special someone. But having the news that your pregnant, it may cause a negative or positive impact in the relationship. As a positive note both you and your partner want to raise a child and have a family, and a negative note would either have a abortion because you or the boyfriend may not take the responsibility to raise a child. In a recent teen abortion story a teen dealt with the news of being pregnant and her boyfriend wanting her to have an abortion because he thought that having a child would ruin their life. The young teen later decided that having an abortion isn't worth it because its her and her boyfriends responsibility to raise a child that they created. So she decided to not have an abortion and wants teens to decide on their own and don't want girls to feel pressure in having a abortion. She is now 9 months pregnant and living her life one step at a time.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Teen Abortion Stories.

Teen Abortion has a huge impact in the U.S. Many teenage girls go w/ the stress of having to have an abortion at an early age of their life. In my research I decided I wanted to see the many stories and issues about going through abortion by teen girls. It isn’t easy having an abortion because the girl may later regret the abortion and give the child up for adoption and some girls go through abortion w/o knowing what causes it might affect their life. In the site Teen Abortion Issues, it illustrates the many stories of abortion that teen girls go through. When i was checking out the site i scroll down to all these stories about teen girls that dealt with having an abortion.

I would like to illustrate an abortion story by a girl who was 14 who had sex w/o her boyfriend after about 4 months together and she became pregnant. she anted to secretly have a baby but by the unfortunate support, it caused her to have an abortion. She felt an instant connection to her child before she was even born and she said she became so weak and unbearable about an abortion. By her abortion story it really touched me because she didn't want to have an abortion, but her support wasn't strong enough of her, and everyday since the abortion it has wonder in her mind on how she wanted her child and held her.
Any comments on this post? Feel Free. This is a PIVOTAL topic to discuss.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Barack Obama on Abortion in the US

In my research, i was thinking of an opinion about Abortion based on our President Barack Obama's point of view. According to Barack Obama he supports the pivotal decision of legalizing abortion based on the Roe v Wade. He wants women to have their privacy of having the right to have an abortion. In the article that was interview in January of 2008: Barack Obama: Abortion Should Be Legal throughout All 9 Months of Pregnancy, he would want women to decide either to have a abortion during their 9 months of pregnancy. Many people in the world are appalled about our president’s point of view of abortion that it might affect the respect of him about women’s abortion. In my opinion of abortion, I’m totally against it because I believe you become pregnant for a reason and if the woman doesn’t want a child, then there’s adoption. I respect women and their decisions about abortions but I don't believe in abortion. You can view the following links about Barack Obama’s view about Abortion, and you may leave your comments and your opinions about your point of abortion.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Abortion Myths

Abortion is a major topic in the United States. Many women have options and decision either to have an abortion because they don’t want a child. In my current research I found myths about having an abortion. In my opinion abortion can be open to any for any women, but I’m totally against it, because I believe in adoption instead because you want to be able to have the child live a better life. Here are the weirdest, craziest myths that have been made about Abortion:

Share your opinion about abortion? Against or your For it!? :

1. Abortion causes breast cancer

2.Even first-trimester fetuses can feel pain

3.Fetuses become conscious at 8 weeks

4.Pro-choice activists want abortion on demand until the moment of birth

5.Pro-choice activists want to increase the number of abortions

6.Legalized abortion has been good for women

7.Women really need abortion for health reasons

Monday, March 22, 2010

Abortion Rights Entry#2

The reason i choose this topic as my blog is because it seemed really interesting to discuss about. Abortion causes an impact upon females in the world that they would not have a child. Women around the world may be affected of abortion because they don't have to deal w/ the responsibility of taking care of a child. Abortion is a huge topic in the world because lots of women go through it and its not an easy decision to do. Women have 3 options about about pregnancy that are abortion, adoption, or just take responsibility for the child. In my opinion abortion would be one of the most harmful painful thing to do to an innocent baby because being pregnant suppose to be a grateful joy to bring another human being into the world.
Here are 5 facts about Abortion:
1. Today in society, abortion is about 10x safer than giving birth to a child.
2. Abortion is absolutely safe.
3. Women who aren't married have 2/3 of having abortions.
4. Women who has had abortions are 43% Protestant & 27% are Catholic.
5. According to 74% of women believe that having a baby would change their life.
(sources:Reasons Why Women have Abortions:
Abortion Details:
Women Issues about Abortions:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Abortion Rights Entry#1

Should Roe v. Wade be overturned?

In this blog i will discuss how abortion has an affect in society. Abortion has an affect in society because there are many women that are supporting the decision of killing their own child. In society many woman are against the decision of abortion because bringing a child into the world is a huge responsibilty to handle. According to my research reasons for abortions, most of the reason is because 25% want to postpone childbearing. The least percentage of abortion is because of the risk to maternal health. Abortion is one of the most contested issues in the U.S. that causes tensions between woman in their pregnancies.
What are the reactions of woman who thought of abortion right away?
What is your opinion of abortion and neglecting?